Monday, May 26, 2008

Positive Affirmations

I get up in the morning and start saying aloud.. Good Morning Sumi (my wife), Love you. And the morning goes fantastic !

I have started this last week itself and started seeing beautiful results. We don't fight in the morning anymore and start the day with more energy. I think this is a change in my life.

Positive affirmations create lot of positive energy in life. One has to say aloud, feel it and express it too. It can help in making up relations, aligning oneself with vision and putting focussed effort on whatever we want to do.

It reminds me one statement from book, The Alchemist (not exact though):
"if one decides about the destiny, whole universe conspires to help you achieve it"

If I decide to make the morning beautiful, universe will definitely help me and the same for a happy life too. Let's decide to make this life a beautiful life and world, a beautiful place to live.

1 comment:

Annjelyn Shalvina said...

I think something similar was also highlighted in Om Shanti Om. I like the saying as well!!!