Monday, December 10, 2012

Being truthful or Gandhiji was truthful ???

What is more important for children to learn: Bring truthful or knowing Gandhiji was truthful?

While reading some article this question struck and a storm of thoughts started streaming through my mind.

Our education system is teaching children,
Gandhiji used truthfulness and non-violence as weapons to fight for freedom. Along with this, the whole story is taught. And also the dates and events. At the end, exam paper will have a question like:
Explain any four points about Gandhiji's ideas of satyagraha.

What is the purpose of such an education? I used to hate history during school days and so do many children. We kill their interest to learn, potential to learn, purpose to learn. And blame conveniently, "today's generation doesn't have any values". As if these children have come from an alien world and haven't got anything from this world.

What I would like to do is, create value of being truthful. To substantiate that value, we may tell stories of Gandhiji along with  Netaji, Shivaji and whoever we feel can add a value, irrespective of  all boundaries in the world. Being truthful be such a liberating value that a child can start looking into life and world around through a totally new and empowered perspective. This can lead to development of strong leaders in the world and many more beautiful possibilities and creations.

Let's take a commitment to spread this awareness in all the parents around and let today's children learn the values and live them, instead if mugging and vomiting into answer papers in exams.

I am seeing a beautiful world with love and peace in the air !!!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Crop pricing - Govt vs farmers

I had been to a seminar by Subhash Palekar on Zero Budget Natural Farming (ZBNF). I will share more about it later. For now, I want to share something I am thinking about since last 12 hrs.

A builder sets the price of a house to sell.
A TV manufacturer sets price of the TV.
A car maker sets price of the car.
Fuel prices are decided by producers.
Air fare is decided by service provider.
Even land prices are decided by the current owner.

Why a farmer is not allowed to set price for the crop he/she produces?

Second question that pinched me hard:

We are ready to spend more and more money for movie tickets, food@restaurants, dresses@malls, cars, travel, doctors, teachers and everyone, except the farmer who takes lot of efforts to produce a healthy food risking the yield and going against so many hurdles by not using any of harmful pesticides/fertilizers/practices. If the farmer fails to sustain and quits farming, and worse, all farmers join the group and take up jobs that has better money, where will get our food from? I am really feeling scared to think about that day when no active farmers are there and farm lands are converted into commercial/residential ones.

I don't know what will be the solution at the end. But, I think it is definitely worth to think about it now and come up with suggestion/thoughts that may lead to some workable solution.

I have expressed by fear here. Hope I get some sleep now.