Friday, July 11, 2008

Old vs new things !

As we move on in life, we pick up things that we like and start carrying them along. There will be a time when there will be no capacity to pick up any more. That's when we trade with losing one by dropping it and picking a better and new one. If we love the old ones so much that we can't drop them, then no possibility of picking up new things.

These things could be objects, knowledge, ideas, opinions, habits etc etc. Many of us dream of doing great things in life and yet only a few actually goes ahead and does it. But, we never bother to face the inquiry "why we are not able to do those great thing?" Reason is very simple, we are scared that we will be asked to drop one of those old things that we picked up sometime in life. So, we "CHOOSE" not to drop an old thing to pick up a new one. On the contrary, if I want to do something new/different, I will have to create some space by dropping an old thing.

Moral: The more easily we drop an old thing, the easier it becomes to pick up new and better things.

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